Private Lessons
Call NOW for your Private or Semi-Private Lesson!!
815-210-4837 or email:
Trouble Shooting Our Specialty!!!
Learn by the hour or half hour.
Bring your puppy out and we will show you how to
get a jump start on his training, we can show
you the right way to start his obedience,
develop his retrieving skills and introduce him
to water and swimming.
Results of clients taking private
Winnebago Retriever Club
- August 7-8, 2010
Fox Valley Hunt Test - July
12, 2009
Badger Golden Retriever Club - August 9. 2009
Backwater Retriever Club -
September 11-13, 2009
Tupelo Kennel Club - Memphis,
TN - October 11, 2009
NSDTRC (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club ) USA 2009
National Specialty - Huntsville, TX - October 14-18, 2009
Kentucky Retriever Club - October 24-25, 2009
Private Lesson Photo Gallery:
click photos to enlarge